Frequently Asked Questions About MSESS Merch
I want to order an MSE Hoodie, but I don’t know what size.
The MSE Hoodies size chart are as follows:
Hoodie Size Specification
How do I pay?
Payment will be conducted via e-transfer. You will be asked to fill out the google form. Once finished, VP Services will contact you on your next steps, as well as provide you with your receipt.
MSESS has chosen to conduct payment via e-transfer so that there are no hidden fees. Payment through most websites, like the MSESS, charges transaction fees. With e-transfer, students can pay less!
If you are unable to pay, please contact to discuss other methods. MSESS is more than willing to discuss a future payment at a different time or a different method.
How do I receive my Merch and what are the shipping options?
Merch will be distributed once we return to in-person in the Fall. Specific details about distribution will be announced in September.
If you would be willing to pay for shipping, please contact VP Services through email at This will be done on a case-by-case basis and the MSESS team will work with you to ensure you receive your merch.
How were the prices decided?
MSESS is a non-profit student society and so there is no profit made from the selling of merch. All prices reflect the cost of production, simply rounded to the nearest dollar. All sales are final.
Have more questions? Feel free to contact for more information!